Easy Intergration

All we need is your product feed + it’s 100% free

In-Store Message

Make shoppers aware of the omni-channel experience

Offline Personalized CRM

Program general offers that will be communicated toeach shopper for each SKU

Real-Time Results

Capture in-store shopper data + drive omni-channel sales

Reduce Barriers to Increase Engagement +
Utilize the Intimacy of SMS With a 98% Open Rate

No Apps

No Sign-Ups

No Downloads

No Beacons

No On-Site Repairs

No Hardware Installations

No Massive IT Integrations

Reduce barriers to increase engagement
Yes, for real.

Real-Time Data for Retailers

Know who’s shopping in-store, what they are browsing and abandoning, and how bad they want it.

With real-time insights and reporting you’ll be able to optimize retargeting to increase conversions in-store & online + drive foot traffic back to store.

Shopper Data

Identify shoppers on an individual level by mobile number + name, email, occupation, gender & age.

Purchase Intent Data

Product-specific purchase intent down to a SKU-level + attributes.


Offline remarketing on a SKU-level through SMS + online retargeting with Google Analytics & Facebook PIxel to lift sales.

User Data Admin

43% match rate on extended data collection by phone number: name, email, gender, age, occupation and social profiles

New Revenue for Retailers

Create a new and better offline shopping experience that keeps going even after shoppers leave your store.
    Drive revenue growth through personalized SMS that delights shoppers.
  • Automatic Sale Alerts

    Reduce product abandonment & drive conversion.

  • Programmatic SMS Campaigns

    Gamify the shopping experience with real-time offers.
    Win-back shoppers with personalized offers to drive back to store or online.

  • Text to Buy

    Leverage shopper impulse to drive conversion the moment they are ready to purchase.

Learn how Chilli Beans gamified in-store shopping to create a 11% lift in sales without a single sale sign.

Offline data that will change the understanding of your shopper, improve the way you communicate with them and increase conversions

Ready to Start?